I. Cultivations and Charitable Activities

Offerings and food donations at Mahabodhi Temple. On May 26, 27, and 28, during the 2010 Vesak celebration (the birth, enlightenment, and passing away of Sakyamuni Buddha, all in one), we make offerings to the Buddha and food donations to the visitors, as an usual part of our Buddhist cultivations. More than six thousand Buddhist visitors have been served with meals. Except the gusty wind of the dry hot summer and its potential damage to the camcord and the camera, every thing has gone well!

II. Student activities during the Vesak Celebration

The student trip to Mahabodhi Temple begins at the Vietnamese Buddhist temple- The Shidartha Comppassion Trust. Our Nun has just gone back to Bodh Gaya after returning to the US to renew her Indian Visa. There are many things to be done after a few months of going away. However, she and her team have done their best in bringing the students to Mahabodhi Temple this summer. Also, it is amazing that the Nun has found the beautiful Vietnamese traditional dresses for students to wear during their visit to Mahabodhi Temple!

And may it be auspicious!

Here are three parts of the activities in pictures:

Part I: Our Vesak Offerings at Mahabodhi Temple. .

Part II: Our Vesak Donations.

Part III: The student trip to Mahabodhi Temple.


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