News About Palm Beach Mahabodhi-May 2012.


1. A local view of May 2012.

Aum! Mahabodhi Svaha!

And a Greeting!

From us!

The local!

An abode of Bodhi!

With potential!

Ready for changes!

Full of growth!

In lively forms!

With beauty!

And various shades!



In harmony!

A Vesak Greeting.

Another local greeting!

For you!

Our 2012 Purnima/ Vesak Celebration at Jersey City, NJ


Welcome to our Buddha Purnima celebration

Desinging the Main Altar!

Look Good!

How about the floor!

Let's move the sofa out first!

Here is the red carpet for the floor!

It looks great!

All are invited!


Our 2012 Buddha Purnima Celebration at Tinh Tam Temple in Nashville, TN.

Welcome to Tinh Tam Temple!

A Purnima greeting!

From Tinh Tam Temple!

Another Vesak greeting from Tinh Tam Temple!


Ready for the Vesak celebration!

All are invited!

Come and join us!

For a nice view...

Of the Buddha Purnima!

A closer look!

And to pay respect to the Buddha!

In the Main Hall!

And to Quan Am-Avalokitesvara-The Compassionate One!

For your peace!

And Happiness!

In different colors!

And various shapes!

It 's is spring!

Again, welcome to Tinh Tam Temple!

Our Buddha Purnima Celebration at Long Van Temple in Orlandoa, Florida.

Welcome to Long Van Temple!

With boundless compassion from Avalokiteshvara Bodhi sattva!

Getting ready for the celebration!

In harmony!

For inner peace!

And Calmness!

Ready for the celebration!

Happiness to all!


II. Landscaping and renovating - May 2012:

We continue to plant the bamboos! Just giving them enough time, they will look as healthy as our alrerady established bamboos.


Best Wishes!

And at peace!

With the Buddha!!

And a new view of the Main Hall!

A view from the Northern corner!

From the Southern corner!

A closer look!

"Bodhisattvas at home should wish that all beings realize that the nature of "home" is empty, and liberate from its burdens."

-"Bồ-Tát ở nhà, nên nguyện chúng sanh, biết nhà tánh không, khỏi sự bức ngặt."

A seasonal greeting!

Being calm!

At peace!

And harmony!

"Entering a monastery, Bodhisattvas should wish that all beings, Expound various principles, Of noncontention ."(As Pure Conducts)

-"Vào Tăng-già-lam nên nguyện chúng sanh, diễn thuyết các pháp, không tranh không cải."

Ready for practice!

"When entering a hall, Bodhisattvas should wish that all beings, Ascend to the unexcelled sanctuary, And rest there secure, unshakable."(As Pure Conducts)

-"Nếu vào điện đường, nên nguyện chúng sanh, lên nhà vô thượng, an trụ bất động."

Merit and auspiciousness to all!

Suny and nice!

It's a nice time to plant!

Newly planted Bodhi tree!

The Graceful bamboo!

The Blacko bamboo!

The yellow stribe Bamboo!

The sacred golden yellow Bali Bamboo!

The Tinny Fern Bamboo!

The small leaf Nana Bamboo!

And the golden Hawaii Bamboo!

They will grow like ...this!

Just like our Blue Bamboo!

And our graceful Bamboo!

They are looking great!

Our new groundcovers!

Other groundcovers!

Our Poinciana trees!

Our Sri Bodhi Tree!

A raining sign!

We need the rain!

Here it comes!

Cool and nice!

At dusk!

It is time to rest!

A nice view, as always!
