News About Palm Beach Mahabodhi-February 2011.

Happy New Year!

And best wishes!


1. A local view of January.

Aum! Mahabodhi Svaha!

And a New Year Greeting!

From us !

The local!

An abode of Bodhi!

With positive connection!

And Sunshine!

With distinction!

Freshly revealed!

Another side!

The newly comes!

Together with an inspiration!

And a vision!

A warmer destination for you!

A fruitful outlook!

Lekima-Within reach!

With tranquility!

Along your path!

Where ever you go!

Or nearby!

Best whises!

Be at peace!


2. Buddhist event:

Tet-Lunar New Year Event and Dharma talks at Long Van Temple, Orlando, Florida: February 1-7 &17-21, 2011

Thay Minh Quang will be visiting Long Van Temple during the first and third weeks of February for Tet and then for the fullmoon day of the first month of the Lunar calendar. Here is the tentative schedule:.

1. The repentant session will be on Wednesday, February 2nd., 2011.

2.The Dharma lecture and Buddhist Tet Celebration will be on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011 at 10:30PM, as in the invitation below.

3. Other Dharma sessions and Buddhist activities and chanting of the Medicine King Buddha Sutra will be at night on weekdays afterward.

4. On Sunday, Febryary 6 & March 20, Dharma talk and Buddhist services will be offered as usual.

Please contact Long Van Temple for further information.

Long Van Temple

6021 Cornelia Avenue
Orlando, Florida 32807
Phone: 407-273-4429

Happy New Year !

Freshly renovated and painted Buddha!

For the Lunar New Year

With compassion!

Welcome to the new front Porch!

You are invited!

It is Spring!

For the New Year Ceremony!

For you to pay respect!

Happy New Year-Musical event!

Live performance!

By the "Golden stems and golden leaves" of the temple!

Happy Audience!

A New Year Welcomed!


3. Landscaping and renovating - February 2011:

The weather is warmer. But the winter is still around.

We are happy with the progress. Now, the place is more suitable for our meditative practice,

There are plenty of cleaning up and shifting around after finishing the wooden platform for the Main Hall and wooden floor for the small room in the north. The old bathroom in the north looks much nicer with the new cabinet and sink.

Here are some photos for you:


A New Year Greeting !

Happy New Year !

And Best Wishes!

At home !

With compassion!

Almost done!

"Bodhisattvas at home should wish that all beings realize that the nature of "home" is empty, and liberate from its burdens."

-"Bồ-Tát ở nhà, nên nguyện chúng sanh, biết nhà tánh không, khỏi sự bức ngặt."

At work!

Nearly in order...

For meditative practice!

And chanting!

The New Year Chanting Session!

With Pure Offerings!

To the Eastern Lapis Lazuli Pure Land !

Of the Medicine King Buddha!

And the Mahabodhisattvas!

The Compassionate One-Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva!

Good Health and Merits to all!

May it be auspicious for all!

"Entering a monastery, Bodhisattvas should wish that all beings, Expound various principles, Of noncontention ."(As Pure Conducts)

-"Vào Tăng-già-lam nên nguyện chúng sanh, diễn thuyết các pháp, không tranh không cải."

Paying respect to the enlightened Ones!

For a new space!

Then.. more books to shift!

A new cabinet...

For another old bathroom!

A warm day !

Another working day!

"When entering a hall, Bodhisattvas should wish that all beings, Ascend to the unexcelled sanctuary, And rest there secure, unshakable."(As Pure Conducts)

-"Nếu vào điện đường, nên nguyện chúng sanh, lên nhà vô thượng, an trụ bất động."

Work goes on !

Till sunset!

With the full moon!

For your Pure Land the new year!

A nice view, as always!
