News About Palm Beach Mahabodhi-June 2010.



A happy day!

1. A local view of June.

Aum! Mahabodhi Svaha!

A bright morning!

Best wishes!

Within reach!

For you!

From us

An abode of Bodhi!

With a local summer star!

And new leaves!

For a direction!

With more options!

New blossom!

For a summer shade!

"If seeing blossoms on trees, Bodhisattvas should wish that all beings, Have good features like flowers, With all thirty-two marks of distinction."

-"Nếu thấy cây hoa, nên nguyện chúng sanh, tướng tốt như hoa, đủ ba muơi hai.."


Another choice!

Yes! It is cooler out there !

With a friendly beach!

A nice view!

You will like it!

Cool and refreshing for sure!

Take a dip!

Along the path!

Where ever you go!

Be Happy!

A reminder:

"Seeing happy people, Bodhisattvas should wish that all beings,
Always be peaceful and happy, Gladly support the Buddha."

-"Thấy người vui sướng, nên nguyện chúng sanh, thường được an vui, thích cúng dường Phật."


2. Buddhist Event: During the weekends between May 28 and June 6, 2010, Thay Minh Quang has come to give Buddhist teachings to celebrate the Vesak at

Long Van Temple

6021 Cornelia Avenue
Orlando, Florida 32807
Phone: 407-273-4429

Also, on June 6, he conducted the Uposatha retreat there.

Here are some updated photos of the whole event.

Welcome to Long Van Temple!

Front gate, Long Van Temple.

The front porch!

Another view!

Main Hall!

Paying Respect to the Buddha!

Parking lot!

On with the Dharma lecture!

We continue!

Do we have more time!

Out under the front Porch!

Some ceremonial remarks!

Homage to the Buddha, the Awakening One!


Paying respect and the special paintings offered to the Buddha during the Vesak!

Did He get enough water!

Be gentle!

Done with offering!

Getting updated!

Making friend!

Not always work!

What a friend!

You are always welcome to practice at Long Van Temple, where....

...Bamboo and lotus: growing from the mud!


3. Local events.

On June 27, 2010, Thay Minh Quang will come again to conduct chanting and to give Dharma talks at Loc Uyen temple in the nearby Greenacres City. All are welcomed!

Loc Uyen Temple

Quan Am-Avalokitesvara at Loc Uyen Temple.

All are invited there!


4. Landscaping-and renovating-June 2010:

The hot summer is here. Instead of cleaning up the attic, we continue to work on the interior and finishing the molding on the walls along the floor. Here are some updated photos for you:



And Welcome!

Ready for the rain!

"Entering a monastery, Bodhisattvas should wish that all beings, Expound various principles, Of noncontention ."(As Pure Conducts)

-"Vào Tăng-già-lam nên nguyện chúng sanh, diễn thuyết các pháp, không tranh không cải."

For daily practice!

An offering! Merits to all!

"When entering a hall, Bodhisattvas should wish that all beings, Ascend to the unexcelled sanctuary, And rest there secure, unshakable."(As Pure Conducts)

-"Nếu vào điện đường, nên nguyện chúng sanh, lên nhà vô thượng, an trụ bất động."

Ready for a day of work!

Boxes of book in pile!

"Bodhisattvas at home should wish that all beings realize that the nature of "home" is empty, and liberate from its burdens."

-"Bồ-Tát ở nhà, nên nguyện chúng sanh, biết nhà tánh không, khỏi sự bức ngặt."

Line up the bookcases!

Another side for molding and caulking!

More patching and cleaning to be done!

Get them off the wall for caulking!

Bookcases to be shifted!

Another bookcase to be moved!!

To be cleansed for sealing with caulk!

More on the other side!

Another hot and humid day!

Our Sri Bodhi tree!

Climbing Bamboo!

At dusk!

A nice view, as always!
