News About Palm Beach Mahabodhi-December 2010.


And best wishes!


1. A local view of December.

Aum! Mahabodhi Svaha!

From us !

The local!

An abode of Bodhi!

And Sunshine!

With distinction!

And a vision!

To a warmer destination!



2. Buddhist event:

Uposatha Retreat and Dharma talks at Long Van Temple, Orlando, Florida: December 3-12, 2010


Thay Minh Quang will be visiting Long Van Temple during the first and second weeks of December. Here is the tentative schedule:.

1. The Uposatha Retreat will be on Saturday, December 4th, 2010.

2.The Dharma lectures and Buddhist services will be given on (i) Sunday, December 5th, 2010 and (ii) December 12th , 2010.

3. Other Dharma sessions and Buddhist activities will be given as needed during the weekdays.

Please contact Long Van Temple for the exact schedule.

Long Van Temple

6021 Cornelia Avenue
Orlando, Florida 32807
Phone: 407-273-4429

From Long Van Buddhist temple!

With happiness!

And compassion!

You are always welcomed!


3. Landscaping and renovating-December 2010:

The rain eventually comes.....when we are painting the porch outside. Anyway, the plants should be happy.

Our wooden platform is almost done. More shifting and cleaning for the project and afterward.

Here are some photos for you:



And a hope for the best!

Front porch--after painting!

Done painting the baseboards! .

Dry them up!

Painting in progress!

In action!

Taking a break!

For the platform inside!

Still sunny outside!

Another red fruit!

Small bamboo!

White Bamboo!

Lemnon grass with flowers!

After clearing the Main Hall!

And the reception area!

And stacking up the boxes!

"Bodhisattvas at home should wish that all beings realize that the nature of "home" is empty, and liberate from its burdens."

-"Bồ-Tát ở nhà, nên nguyện chúng sanh, biết nhà tánh không, khỏi sự bức ngặt."

Then shifting them again!

And covering them up!

"Entering a monastery, Bodhisattvas should wish that all beings, Expound various principles, Of noncontention ."(As Pure Conducts)

-"Vào Tăng-già-lam nên nguyện chúng sanh, diễn thuyết các pháp, không tranh không cải."

For a new project!

The platform-after polishing!

At work!

Install the molding!

Wipe out the dirt!

More sanding!

And polishing!

"When entering a hall, Bodhisattvas should wish that all beings, Ascend to the unexcelled sanctuary, And rest there secure, unshakable."(As Pure Conducts)

-"Nếu vào điện đường, nên nguyện chúng sanh, lên nhà vô thượng, an trụ bất động."

A sunset!


At dusk!

A nice view, as always!
