News About Palm Beach Mahabodhi-February, 2009.

A view of February in Lake Worth .

My local wireless connection at the friendly Soma Cafe!

Working on the website, even at dusk!

Happy New Year! A few nice images!

A Sunny and Warm Day, Always!

A Local Flavor: Mango Flowers in Full Bloom!

For An Auspicious and Productive New Year!


Fence Project Updated, February 2009:

We begin the footing, both in the back and front, on Wednesday, February 4, 2009. We will have the forms in place afterward. It gets colder than ususal regardless of the sunshine. But, the weather will be warmer on Friday. Everything is in place.

We are looking forward to see our the masonry walls up soon. And then the aluminum gates will follow.

We are working on making our office at 621 S. Federal Hwy, Lake Worth.

Again, here are a few photos of our progress. The place is small, but that is what we are able afford. We hope that you will like the place. Please let us know. Your remarks are always welcomed. We will continue to work to make the place look peaceful and nice.

The forming for the foundation!

Another angle!

The form in front (South)!

The form in front (North)!

Breaking the ground!

Digging for the foundation!

A Progress!

At the end of the day!

The footing in the back!

Setting up the footing!

And the usual views of our place.

A front view of our future office.

Across from Federal Hwy.

And of course, there is peace!

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